
Dibble, Dribble & Blooms

For the Gardener at Heart


September 2015

September- In the garden now.

Here are some of the orchids flowering right now. All of the either are in the ground or mounted on the trees, very few are grown in pots. All my seed production focuses on multiplying more plants to put out in our garden.

Here are a few gens out there right now:

Oncidium hybrid
Oncidium hybrid
White Spathoglottis
White Spathoglottis
Yellow Spathoglvottis In the garden
Yellow Spathoglvottis In the garden
Sobralia macrantha In the garden.
Sobralia macrantha In the garden.
Sobralia decora in the garden
Sobralia decora in the garden
Cattleya hybrid in the garden trees
Cattleya hybrid in the garden trees

Hello world!

Things change and like everything else my blog is transitioning. The site now will be devoted to botanical and horticultural information for the home gardener. It is my desire, that my experiences in the garden, may encourage and add to your passion and love of plants.

Thanks for stopping by and hope you find this a rewarding blog.

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