
Dibble, Dribble & Blooms

For the Gardener at Heart


November 2019

November 14,2019

This day has brought rain to South Florida. It is on the tail end of a cold front that is freezing large parts of the country and raising havoc on our gardening friends up north.

To those in the cold we hope you were able to cover the plants that needed covering, bringing in everything that needed to come in and are comfy in the warmth of your homes.

Well here in South Florida we rarely see much cold, although over the years I remember seeing snow in Miami and heavy frosts that killed plants to the ground, with global warming, we now only see moderate winters without frost.

Today in the garden we have a number of items in flower, here are pictures of a few:

Sobralia decora
Pachystachys coccineaCardinals guard
Asclepias tuberosa-Butterfly Weed
Spathoglottis lobbii
Portlandia coccinea-Red Portlandia
Sobralia yauaperyensis-Brazil & French Guiana

This is our season for growing vegetables and I would like to show you a few picts of our tomatoes. They have yet to produce fruit.

Just transplanted and ready to go.
Second bed ready and willing.
Beginning of November
November, flowering and hope they set lots of fruit.

Winter is here, Thanksgiving is on the way and we have 40 days to Christmas. Any plants on your Santa’s list?

The Genus Portlandia

This summer I made a cross between two very nice shrubs in the hopes of creating some new cultivars. Please refer to my page: Hybridization in the Genus Portlandia

Portlandia proctorii
Portlandia grandiflora

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